Last Three Months


So I'm in my last three months here as a VISTA, things are really winding down. It's a lot different being on my own, the other VISTA Kevin ended his VISTAship 2 months ago but he had been working here pro-bono until he found a job (he just got one as of last week as a community development planner for the Human Services Alliance). Anyway, right now I'm working on evaluating differenet non-profits with techatlas. I hope everyone here knows what tech atlas is, it's an amazing resource that offers an comprehensive look at a non-profit's hardware, software and mission. It integrates these different elements to help non-profits plan how to increase their efficiency and productivity through the use of technology (and offers step by step techie plans). Anyway, I'm definitely no techie so I'm learning a lot. This weekend a new computer lab, Crossfire opens up. I've been deeply involved in getting that lab networked and running so it's nice to that it's going to be open to the public soon. I am worried about it though, there's no firewall set up, and there needs to be regular maintenace volunteers coming in to keep the system up. In addition, I think I'm planning a Universal Access conference co-sponsored by the Knight Foundation. I say think, because our communication with them has been really shotty, and I'm not sure if I even want to proceed with the legwork without a clear go-ahead from them. Anyway, there's a lot going on but I do feel a little overwhelmed. I really liked working with a partner, this seems like a lot for one person to do. I hope I'm doing Ok.
