First two weeks


Well I did not update last week. I have been pretty busy with getting situated down this way. I had my motorcycle go down last week and I had to turn to peddling my way around town. Thank goodness Tempe is a "bicycle friendly" community. I can say I have never been in a place that consistently stays hot. We finally dropped down to the low nineties during the day. First day I came here it was 104 degrees. Arizona is a crazy can drive an hour north of here and it could be in the 60s during the day.

Now for what I have been doing. I started work at the Boys and Girls Club of the East Valley-Ladmo Branch. I will have to get used to that because I am in Tempe and we have two specific branches just in Tempe. The North Branch and the Ladmo Branch. I have been trying to start to get some instructing going in a computer lab that has pretty much been a free for all. The Boys and Girls club has a very open policy. The members are allowed to float between areas if they wish. I have to try to get some instruction going while I have members in and out of the lab at will. I also have to deal with member coming to the lab when it is not their turn. It seems easy to get the instruction going but very hard so far to keep the students organized such that they will actually stay to hear what me and the instructor have to say. I am having a difficult time with the members being on Internet websites that they are not supposed to be on. Some of the older members were bypassing the filters with a proxy website. It seems as if its a thin line to toe but I am doing my best. I guess the hardest part is to get the members to understand that this is a place of instruction before a place to play video games.