Halfway to the Halfway Point

So I can't believe I'm already a quarter of the way through my service as a VISTA. One thing that I'm realizing, which has been a nice surprise, is that serving as a VISTA has allowed me to grow both professionaly and personaly. The EDs and staff members at the two organizations I'm working with (CMAP and AMP) have been abolutely fantastic in providing direction and support for my project and have been really helpful as I've adjusted to a new environment.

When I began my service I was idealistic and ambitious and imagined that I would be revolutionizing Public Access within months of my project. Now I'm a bit more grounded, and have realized that everything comes in strides. Being out in the community more and making connections with other organizations in the area has really helped me focus my attention more on the needs of the community, and not so much on what's happening on the larger scale with Public Access, although that's still important.

On another note, life on the central coast in California is pretty sweet. I've moved to a town where chickens just roam the streets. Seriously...chickens!!!