Nearing the end of week one


Nearing the end of week one......dang. Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed and like their brain is fried?  So much information and trying to process it all is taking its toll.  Hope everyone is enjoying themselves and finding out that their position is everything they hoped it would be.  I am enjoying myself and getting more and more excited about all of the things that need to be accomplished.  But its a slow start. Off for now.

Comment from Julia Smith on January 31, 2007 - 8:36pm

Hi Elisha,

I felt the same way last Friday evening. Good Grief! How are things going this week?

For me, this week is making a little more sense. It's already mid-week and there is still a lot more to do before Friday.

Anyway, I wanted to take a moment and say, "Hi". I hope all is well. Take care.