
Month Six: Computer Adoption and Broadband Stimulus


Dear Broadband Stimulus,

Where are you?


Everyone but the peeps who already found out about their application.

Comment from Claudia Escobar on January 28, 2010 - 2:50pm

Hi Melissa! Thanks for your kind words! Your works seems exciting and technical. It was like reading German to me :x Hope everything is great in LA!

I hope this is a blog


hey everyone, its been a while. I think i start every blog with "its been a while since i wrote a blog" haha. well i'm a busy man. It's not easy working full time, making such a large sum of money and trying to find places to spend it all. HEY i think the greatest thing i did this year was go to the Sundance film festival.

My First Blog!


I'm at PSO and we're leaning how to Blog!  It's very exciting.  However, it's not as excitting as the prospect of candlepin bowling ... which is apparently our outing tonight.  I'm not sure what exaclty Candlepin Bowling is, but if you follow that link you can learn more ... that's where I'm going right now!

In Filipino slang, "ka-BLOG" would mean someone you blog with.


Take Back the Tech bannerCheck out this campaign to use blogging to get the discussion going about technology and violence against women!


ka-BLOG! We want to take over the blogosphere for 16 days.

Lessons Learned: Summer Youth Tech Program at C4K


[From the blog of Raymond Varona, August 23, 2006.]

CTC VISTA Ray Varona
Raymond Varona

During the summer, most of our population was made up of kids whose primary language wasn't English and who had never used a computer before. As a result, the workshops were more like guided activities instead of real skill-building sessions since I have to literally show them, step-by-step, how to do every action (including opening files and browsing through folders). So I started off with an intro to Photoshop and gradually worked my content down to the point where my last workshop was on how to change fonts in different programs...

Blogging Workshop at Media Matters: Writing Conference


Colin @ Media MattersColin Rhinesmith (ACME Boston / Berkman Center / Emerson grad student / podcast genius) and I presented a quick one hour workshop today on blogging for teens and journalism teachers at today's Blogging Workshop at Media Matters: Writing Conference For High School Teachers & Teens, sponsored by the Boston Globe here on the UMB campus. The event was co-sponsored by Project Think Different, home of former CTC VISTA Cara Powers and current VISTA Colleen Kelly. The group seemed interested in how to get the word out about blogs once they're up. Colin and I posted the outline on the ACMEBoston blog, along with folks ideas of how they might use blogging in the future.

Paul Hansen reads my blog


Paul Hansen and I are trying to get some easy notification system working so that our VISTAs will know when someone comments on their blog without having to individually check all their entries.

Comment from admin on August 11, 2009 - 10:54am


Comment from admin on August 11, 2009 - 10:58am

Testing 2

Comment from admin on August 11, 2009 - 10:58am

Testing 3

Comment from admin on August 11, 2009 - 10:59am

Testing 4

Comment from admin on August 11, 2009 - 11:03am

Testing 5

Comment from admin on August 11, 2009 - 11:09am

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vehicula rhoncus consectetur. Aenean auctor tempor libero quis dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur tincidunt sapien at libero gravida at cursus velit luctus. Sed dictum rhoncus blandit. Morbi iaculis porta ante eget eleifend. Nullam vestibulum, massa sit amet consequat dictum, justo felis egestas neque, non faucibus ipsum turpis in metus. Sed malesuada pulvinar elit, a imperdiet tellus porta ut. Curabitur sem sapien, accumsan et viverra id, eleifend fermentum sapien. Suspendisse eu ligula nunc. Aenean aliquet tincidunt eros, vel fringilla sapien feugiat et. Mauris orci nisl, luctus nec porttitor eget, venenatis et sapien. Aliquam at ipsum id eros rutrum interdum. Nulla semper condimentum velit, ut blandit nunc vestibulum sed. Suspendisse potenti. Nam dictum, mi et commodo consequat, ipsum mi faucibus odio, et faucibus diam turpis nec diam. In rutrum accumsan odio nec vehicula.

Proin tortor augue, placerat lobortis condimentum tristique, ullamcorper sit amet leo. Vestibulum ultrices elementum velit vitae dignissim. Etiam tristique molestie orci. Morbi facilisis eleifend est et congue. Duis vel odio tempor lorem elementum interdum. Vivamus sed est lorem, sit amet faucibus massa. Quisque at sollicitudin metus. Ut libero velit, consectetur eget pharetra sed, sollicitudin vitae enim. Suspendisse dictum lobortis urna placerat sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris in est dolor. Nulla ut nisl nec lorem egestas faucibus. Phasellus tincidunt, ligula at sagittis tristique, erat justo facilisis enim, vel gravida mauris ligula a velit. Etiam egestas tortor a nulla imperdiet eu lacinia justo scelerisque. Suspendisse eget orci eu neque bibendum sollicitudin. Etiam at enim sit amet enim cursus sagittis id vitae lorem. Pellentesque blandit felis nec dolor pharetra varius.

Cras dolor nulla, sodales sollicitudin suscipit vel, interdum sit amet nulla. Phasellus volutpat malesuada libero vel consequat. Pellentesque convallis elementum egestas. Quisque lobortis facilisis ligula ac molestie. Ut nisi lorem, pellentesque nec congue sit amet, elementum dapibus enim. Cras enim eros, tincidunt non accumsan ac, euismod eu urna. Aliquam varius scelerisque dui ut lacinia. Proin ut rhoncus massa. Donec eros nibh, tristique nec feugiat non, elementum id arcu. Proin et magna sed neque malesuada placerat quis eget urna.

Comment from admin on August 11, 2009 - 11:10am

Proin tortor augue, placerat lobortis condimentum tristique, ullamcorper sit amet leo. Vestibulum ultrices elementum velit vitae dignissim. Etiam tristique molestie orci. Morbi facilisis eleifend est et congue. Duis vel odio tempor lorem elementum interdum. Vivamus sed est lorem, sit amet faucibus massa. Quisque at sollicitudin metus. Ut libero velit, consectetur eget pharetra sed, sollicitudin vitae enim. Suspendisse dictum lobortis urna placerat sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris in est dolor. Nulla ut nisl nec lorem egestas faucibus. Phasellus tincidunt, ligula at sagittis tristique, erat justo facilisis enim, vel gravida mauris ligula a velit. Etiam egestas tortor a nulla imperdiet eu lacinia justo scelerisque. Suspendisse eget orci eu neque bibendum sollicitudin. Etiam at enim sit amet enim cursus sagittis id vitae lorem. Pellentesque blandit felis nec dolor pharetra varius.

Cras dolor nulla, sodales sollicitudin suscipit vel, interdum sit amet nulla. Phasellus volutpat malesuada libero vel consequat. Pellentesque convallis elementum egestas. Quisque lobortis facilisis ligula ac molestie. Ut nisi lorem, pellentesque nec congue sit amet, elementum dapibus enim. Cras enim eros, tincidunt non accumsan ac, euismod eu urna. Aliquam varius scelerisque dui ut lacinia. Proin ut rhoncus massa. Donec eros nibh, tristique nec feugiat non, elementum id arcu. Proin et magna sed neque malesuada placerat quis eget urna.

Comment from admin on August 11, 2009 - 11:11am





Does anyone know if there is a way to be alerted when someone comments on your blog? Or somewhere where recent activity is summarized so that you don't have to look at every one? Thanks!


Comment from Richard T. Anderson on October 2, 2006 - 4:23pm

Great idea! I second the motion that we have an alert for comments somewhere. Either when we log in something that says "New Blog Comments" or an email.

I think we have to talk to Ben about this. Hopefully he is reading blogs, but we may have to email him directly.

Peace, Rich

Comment from danielle martin on October 2, 2006 - 10:46pm

Hey Corey,

I'll check with Ben about the notification, but a better aggregation page is coming very soon, complete with latest comments as well.


Straight Bloggin'


Yeah, so I'm blogging. Week 3 at the job. Trying to figure out that delicate balance between direct service and capacity building. Trying to get some people even crazier than me to do the direct service bit on a volunteer/intern basis. Anyone out there have any leads for getting volunteers? Specifically, in the Boston area? Been hitting colleges and posting on Craigslist and such.

Bad Link


Ooops.  My last blog had a bad link.  The website is


I had originally typed the link as just "" (which works in your browser, but not in this web software).