Madison Park WiFi Presentation from PSO


Here's a pdf of my presentation from the Pre-Service Orientation last week on my work at the CTC and wifi project.

madison park, roxbury maMadison Park Development Corporation provides 986 affordable rental housing units overall, with 546 units in the Village, consisting of over 1000 residents. (See the old project description).

Here's a bit of info from the presentation:

In 2005, 292 residents (over 750 families in the last four years) took advantage of technology training and computer skills classes.

In 2003, Madison received $70K Cisco grant to construct a pilot FREE wireless network Cisco Systems provided hardware for the WiFi system, including bridges, access points, antennas and client adapters Madison provides as a pilot free 802.11b wireless Internet access to the residents of Madison Park Village. Madison provides free Cisco Aironet 350 series wireless cards for residents. With either the standard omnidirectional antenna or a higher-gain flat panel antenna is used with the client cards.

With this project residents of Madison Park Village now have access to enormous personal opportunities that would have otherwise remained out of reach.

More info from my co-presenter CTC VISTA Emelio Flores from Castle Square coming soon!