Time goes on...
The summer is quickly coming to a close but wait wasn't I suppose to have more done by now? Even though I've worked on several projects here at Tincan, it feels like I should have accomplished more by now. Let's see we have a grant from Humanities Washington to go to small museums and I've talked about that a lot. Well now we are actually going to the museums and making contacts. Very cool and exciting. We've submitted one grant this summer and are working on two more to submit next month. I've learned how to use the video equipment around here, although not very well. I'm working on putting together a Wine Tasting fundraiser for next spring or early summer. Trying to find time to do oral history interviews. Creating an after school program for middle school kids to learn how to conduct oral history interviews.
I'm looking forward to continuing work here and thinking about doing another year as a VISTA. Hey the money's tight but the experiences and opportunities will some day out weigh that. This project has so many opportunities for growth and can do some very interesting and challenging things in the future. I'm just happy to be part of it growth process.
Comment from Ben Sheldon on September 7, 2007 - 1:33pm
Summers always seem to go by quicker than you think (and want!), and then here you are, with Fall and the fear of the busy holiday season ahead of you. You're probably accomplishing a lot; it can be tough sometimes though to see the results immediately.
If you've written one grant and working on two more, that can be a lot of work; just think of the research you've probably had to do to even find the grants, let alone to write them.
Good luck with the Wine Tasting. Upscale events can sometimes bring in big dollars, or attract people who will eventually bring in the big dollars. You might investigate local breweries or wineries (if you got them) and see if you can get in-kind donations---you would be surprised at what they'll donate to nonprofits in their community.
Be sure to tell us more about the after school program; it sounds really interesting. You might want to talk to CTC VISTA Julie Adler who is developing a Citizen Journalism program called NeighborMedia; she might have good tips for conducting interviews.