NeighborMedia to the max
Disclaimer: The following CTC*VISTA work product requires several hours per week of grueling 1-on-1 meetings with super-opinionated people, endless hours of preparation for grant reports, and a schedule that is nearly impossible to share with any other VISTA project. Do not try this at home...(or a host org without an incredibly supportive staff!)
CCTV’s NeighborMedia project, your latest source of Cambridge news and information, has a mission: to foster the type of participatory atmosphere that’s been created by bloggers and YouTubers all around the world. That means our group of citizen journalists want to hear from you about the issues they’re exploring. Click on the NeighborMedia video channel at any time to read their stories, watch their videos, and find out how to get involved!
In the month of October, our citizen journalists generated a plethora of stories not covered in the mainstream media. Now, it's a brand new month, and that means new stories are being posted each and every week. Here are a couple of the best to give you a taste of what's to come:
In East Cambridge, our correspondents are investigating the role of the Mirant Corporation in the construction of a new boardwalk on the Broad Canal. If you have a stake in this issue, attend the November 8th BZA meeting and let your voice be heard.
In the Agassiz neighborhood,the future of Shady Hill Square is in dispute. Give our North Cambridge correspondent your two cents!
The above is from a recent blog entry at and is meant to be a tool to help us use digital media for community organizing. Please disregard the fact that the digital media itself is at a minimum, as we are still in the early phases of the project.