the good works tour
Last week, three young men came into my organization. Initially, I didn’t have a clue why they were here but was told they would be dismantling the moveable wall out of the middle of my room in order to stop the “cubicle” feel of my office. The three of them are recent graduates who grew up in NJ. As it turns out, they’re doing a documentary on volunteering while taking a road trip across the country. When they visited us, they had just started their journey.
If anyone’s interested, their videos from July 25 are from my organization. Their website is If you want them to visit your organization, shoot them an email or shoot me one and I can let them know. They’re nice guys and their schedule seemed pretty open. They have been doing volunteer work in each organization they’ve visited. I really admire their work and I have to admit, part of me wanted to join them on their tour of the country.
Comment from Janet Vo on August 4, 2008 - 6:48pm
inspirational stuff...thanks for link.