Great start

I hope everyone is officially settled in their new locations and that the first few weeks on the job have been progressing smoothly. Things in NYC have gotten off to a "Great start", as the title of this field report confirms. Along with Alice, I have been learning the ropes at and getting a better idea of what the year will bring.
One of the things I've been working on with our website (which provides other nonprofits with free technology/online services) is helping to coordinate our Volunteer Web design program.
When a non-profit signs-up to be a member, they have the opportunity to apply for a volunteer web designer to help them create or improve their site! The volunteers come from all over the world and it's great to see how many talented people dedicate themselves to our member nonprofits. Some of my tasks include connecting/outreach to new volunteers (Craigslist, Volunteermatch, and finding a more effective way for our organization to measure the impact of the volunteer program(tracking the hours volunteers spend on each site).
You can see the volunteer site here . If the program sounds cool to you and you have web design experience check out the "Opportunities" section to see if there's an organization that interests you!!

Hope to hear about everyone's work soon :)

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Comment from Jules Goins on August 11, 2008 - 4:17pm

Volunteer recruitment, my old friend. I'd like to hear how it goes and how you are targeting new volunteers.

I have also had people ask me about getting help with their website, so I will be glad to have a place to direct them, even if just for ideas.

Hope to see you at the New York Craigslist boot camp.