I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?

So I'm down here in Miami, talk about hot or should I say blazen every day has been 90 degrees or hotter I 'm not sure why I even look at the weather channel. Yesterday was my one month anniversary. I have had the pleasure of working between two organizations The Collins Center for Public Policy and YeTech (Youth Expressions Technology Center) I am a split Vista the other chick didn't show so I'm doing work for two people. At first I thought it was the best of both worlds but now I'm praying many times a day to keep my sanity. I've come to realize that some people here have unrealistic expectations of how to increase capcity and get grant money.

The Collins Center is my main source of resources they have quite cubicals, air conditioning, phone, internet, and printers. YeTech has non of thee above but they need mad resources and grant money. Question: How am I going to do research and build capcity for them with out a phone or internet?

After doing a community needs assesment I was ready to work I figure that I would use The Collins Center to do that since they all work together. Jokes on Loveta...that is sort of hard to do. So I have a co-worker Post Vista who got hired on after her year of service to show me the ropes..

What people do with a little bit of power? So its like I am the servant I do stuff that has been past due for four 4 months. Might I add that I have only been a Vista for 1 month and a day..So my first mind is whose problem is that. But I am not that assertive or disrespectful I have a little bit of tact.

I love to help but being pressured to meet deadlines that are past due isn't my style of work. Mean while I (we, me and her) travel to many other community organizations daily doing communtiy needs assesments and tech atlas. Oh yeah using my car and I get 10 dollars for the tank if I show frustration.(Ooooh)
Now if I didn't drive my "HOOT RIDE" 1200 miles then how would we get to the community organizations? Mean while you have the Supervisor whom I've only seen twice telling me that I should sell my car to cut down on expenses. That sounds realistic to someone who comes from a middle class background who has lots of support. But not for me you know one of those "Poor People" we wanna help to overcome poverty and besides I won't be able to effectively do my job in the community.

So I do alot of traveling though out Miami that includes all parts and all under served communities. I sort of like though because by me not being from here I am being exposed to alot all the different kinds of people different languages all of the free lunch dates at expensive resturants (these people are sort of like CTC they will feed you and only the best foods)

Oooh I almost forgot yesterday I met with one of the biggest local funders of the community can you believe that? It's like being behind the scene of non-profts and guess what they loved me. They liked what I said and they are looking forward to working with me and showing the rope. As a matter a fact we have a meeting Tuesday at 1:00pm Can you believe that? I knew it was a good meeting because at the end the wealthy funder the woman gave me a hug and one of those smooches kisses on my cheek. They looked really cool and fun to look at the guy reminds me of Ben with the stylish button, jeans, and chucks. The woman was professional but sort of rock starish kinda like Nickey. So I blended right in with them the Executive director I attended the meeting with was nervous and shaky. I on the other hand was calm and cool. I didn't even sweat.

I started classes at Miami Dade College for grant writting and I am learning alot. Also while visting a non-profit we were asked if we were Techies post-vista said no we are not. I said what do you need help with they lady's printer wouldn't print so all I did was add the printer for her I showed her what to do it was so simple. It was then I realized that digital literacy is a very important factor in reducing the digital divide.

So far this has been one experience thats priceless I'm looking forward to the next 11 months of kaos.

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.