One Super Duper Week!

This was a really great week... I got engaged and turned 22 all in a period of 24 hours! Woot! So, my boyfriend and I went out to dinner the night before my birthday because the next night we were going out with all of our friends. We went to a fancy restaurant, which is something that we do maybe twice a year. Anywho, we had a a discount, so we decided to use it. After that, we were going to watch a movie outside on the state capitol lawn. (This is something that we do once a year when the weather gets a little cooler, and where we first indirectly hung out with each other while playing freeze tag) So, we get to the gate, and there is a card with a rose. Then he leads me to the next card, and the next, and the next. After I read the last card, I knew what he was up to and when I turned around he was on his knee. I said yes, and then he called to our friends to come out from hiding behind on of the many statues. They had set up a video camera, ipod, roses, letters, and champagne bottle all while we were at dinner. So, we all went down to our favorite martini bar and had the "Wedding Cake" martini. Luckily, it was happy hour all night long and the $11 martinis were only $5! So, after about 26 martinis between our closest friends, we went home engaged!

The next morning, I woke up and turned 22!

When it comes to the Mobile Film School, things have been a bit slow. We are hopefully going to launch our new website tomorrow, thus creating more work for me. Other than that, I've worked on graphics that I hope are implemented into the site and redesigned a few documents. I do have a bit of trouble with the slower pace because as a student I always had at least a couple of part-time jobs going on during school. But, our first student workshop is coming up in November, so I'm hoping that will pick up the pace. Not to mention, I get to photograph it! Yay!

The other worry has been IST funds. In such a small business things like that seemed to get pushed to the side a lot. So, today I sent off an email with two ways the funds could be allocated, and hopefully this time they will approve it. I'll be very disappointed if I don't get to use my training funds because of the slow pace of approval.

'till next time!

Comment from Edward Gonzales on October 14, 2008 - 5:55pm

Congratulations on your engagement and happy bday!

Comment from Melissa Dela Cruz on October 14, 2008 - 10:02pm

Amy!!!! CONGRATS!!!! I'm so very happy for you.. =)
Aaaaaaaand Happy Belated!


Comment from Josh King on October 27, 2008 - 5:22pm

Congrats Amy, that's awesome!

In Solidarity,
Josh King