Gobble Gobble


Howdy dowdy!
Currently I am the last stages of helping out the Communications Team test email blast services. I know Vertical Response was highly recommended, but correct me if I'm wrong, I found that if an org has multiple campaigns (i.e. newsletters) and one person subscribes for all of their campaigns, and then decides to unsubscribe from one campaign, then that person is unsubscribed from all campaigns. So I have decided to check VR off of my list and check out iContact, mailChimp, and constant contact. At this point, the skill that I need to learn is HTML. That way our org doesn't have to spend on a newsletter template consultant. Guess how much that costs? ~$350 bolivares (Venezuelan currency), jk...dollars.
Oh one more thing, Drupal and Joomla! may be on the backseat for a while, since our org is leaning towards redefining it's purpose etc. Which means that I will still be posting my articles relating to "community technology" but not so much trying to learn how to manage a CMS. Nevertheless, I have set a secret personal goal: to learn how to upgrade Drupal from v. 0.00001 to version 6 point something.
Last time I reported, Dia de Los Muertos at Olvera Street happened and the CTCNet Conference near Inglewood happened. One challenge that I overcame was not having foodstamps for about 2 weeks. This meant that there was no more peanuts and pistachio snacking at the office, sad face. But now I am changed man!
I am looking forward to eating sweet potato (aka Camote) pie (maybe one purchased from Albertsons, I will try to get one from a Farmers Market) and watching/playing football out in Mendota, Califas. Happy Turkey Day!

*forgive me for the dearth of postings (thanks GRE!).

Comment from Morgan Sully on December 10, 2008 - 3:03pm

je je,
a wise move to hold bac a bit on the Drupal part until your org gets their purpse redefined a bit. They should REALLY talk with Helen De Michiel at NAMAC. She's really been pushing this idea of a 'Digital New Deal' http://www.namac.org/node/4526

Remember that session at the CTCNet Conference where we went over challenges and opportunities for the CTC movement? Many of those issues are THE SAME ISSUES that the field of media arts is facing. We also want to align with larger policy goals to not reinvent the wheel and synergize change that is broad and deep. Hope that's not too out there, but it was a pattern I noticed throughout the strategic planning session my org had, the sessions we had at CTCNet as well as what I see happening in the larger picture. whoa. anyway.

do you have a 'sand box' server to play around with Drupal on yet? Maybe Josh King might be able to point you in the right direction...
