Wow...I'm glad everybody seems to be having a super-fun time in San Diego. I've spent the whole week updating 16 iBooks, using only a single installation disc, and a slow internet connection. fun.
Also, I finally got around to applying for food stamps. I'm not sure how much they are giving me, but it's not going to be as much as I had hoped. It turns out that if I had applied BEFORE the PSO, none of my "living stipend" would count as income, but having applied after my term of service began, it all counts as income. Making me poor, but not poor enough.
Lastly, as part of my work, I am researching digital distribution, and all kinds of crazy internet-y type stuff, so I decided to start my own vlog to get some hands-on experience. If you want to check it out, go to www.kirstenacademy.blogspot.com There won't be any video clips until next week though.
Comment from danielle martin on October 1, 2006 - 9:14am
Hey Gariet,
Where are you going to post your video? May I plug Blip.tv, then you could tag it "ctcvista" and it'll show up on our site! Check out my vlog on Blip if you'd like - http://mizzd2006.blip.tv/.
Did you hear anything yet from the MNN folks about digital distribution?
Comment from gariet cowin on October 2, 2006 - 2:12pm
I had a meeting with a couple other PCM folks last week, where we discussed the possibility of working with MNN (and a few other places around the country) on a digital distrubution network. I don't know a whole lot about it yet, but I think something should be happening with that fairly soon.