Update Of My Service In Rochester NY
Happy New Year Everybody!
I havent been writing anything in a long time but I have been very busy!! I find what I do and the people I collaborate with, especially the young people a very rewarding experience and with the excitement that President Obama is creating with emphasis on volunteering and community involvement, I am truly looking forward to great things happening this year!
I have been involved in exciting collaborative opportunities. All have been awesome, The Community Place: Youth/Adult Partnership -- youth and adults working together to develop and implement programs for youth in the community. The youth involved were involved in a program called Asset Mapping in which they were taught to use computer software and hand held palm tech equipment to collect data of the Northeast Area such as what interests and hobbys people in the neighborhood have that they would like to share with others? This information along with what businesses are in the area or other data was used in setting up a database that people in the community who are looking for volunteers can access.
My most passionate collaborative is with WXXI, PBS affiliate, who have a filmmakers program, Raising 100,000 Voices. This is the third year we have been a part of this program. Its empasis is on Digital Storytelling which was a plus for me. The youth are responsible for making a 3 minute film. When we first start with them, I said to myself, " Oh that will be a piece of cake". What a challenge this project was! I had had experiece in editing,etc. but we used new software, cameras, and the youth had to learn so many different aspects of film making. They have workshops for them to give assistance with the pre production,and so on. (We just had the Kick-off January 19th) We have 2 more workings to attend and then we turn in our films April 23rd. If you are intested in looking at films that were done by the youth including ours your can go to the website, wxxi.org and click on raising 100,000 voices. The website will give you more information on the program and we are under Teens Advocating Nonviolence at Parsells Avenue Community Church. There are alot of great films! In May, they do a really nice Oscar Night type of event to showcase the films so that people in the community as well as family members can get a chance to see the films also.
I have also been working on a program, The Urban Youth Arts and Film Academy which is a component of a program I developed called The Dream Makers Program. (if you would like more information on that program and the full curriculums please let me know). I am very excited about the workshops and trainings such as workshop on storytelling as an art form by a professional storyteller, Almita Whitis, who is known locally, nationally and internationally, Digial photography and others. The computer center is in the process of being renovated and with the help of the youth and adult volunteers, transformed into a state of the art technology center!
We have a good relationship with many agencies and organizations that I have not mentioned and we continue to support their efforts as they do ours. Well everyone nice talking to you and I will give you more updates soon!
See ya,