I started my personal blog over a month ago and today, it got the most hits in its short life. According to Wordpress' stats, I got 250+ views today and still counting.
My first thought? "Oh, no."
Because of my post entitled Some cibo, Google has been directing ever-increasing traffic my way. Notice in the top right hand corner of the post that half-naked babe in tube socks? She is the main draw to my page from Google Images: American Apparel. I've thought about changing the picture and hopefully the URL of the pic to something more obscure so it wouldn't pop up nearly as often. But after SXSWi, Wordpress has also been picking up search terms for "LOLCats." I'm pretty sure I used something obscure for the name and description of that photo in one of my recent blog posts, but maybe I was wrong.
It's all a bit discouraging in an Alanis Morissette kind of way. Take back my popularity, Google! Take it!