Month 3: stepping up


My third month at Prometheus has been a time of increasing responsibility. As a step towards my goal of improving the org’s communication reach, I’ve helped to build a press strategy team. We’ve gotten together some media best practices (writing press releases, etc.) and once we build a digital version of the file I’ll be happy to share it with others here. I’ve also taken on coordination of our web redesign, supervising our web designer with weekly meetings. Learning to supervise people & projects is a skill I’m hoping to gain, so I’m excited about this.

Another big project this month was helping to create a yearlong workplan for the regulatory policy team, as well as a 10-page descriptive list of our 25 or so regulatory policy issues. I now have a much better birds-eye view of our strategy and goals. We presented our work to the rest of the organization, and everyone felt it was enormously helpful in understanding what the regulatory policy team does. It was the first time anyone had ever compiled a list of all of our issues, so it was a big and welcome step. We’ll be adapting these documents for use on our website soon.