Month Nine: Trainings and New Projects

April was the first month with the new supervisor, and she is very cool! She has lots of ideas for how to make community tech more sustainable and is open to hearing new we've been researching grants and gov't contracts for short-term sustainability and making a business plan for the long-term. And who knows, maybe we'll have a wii (SSBB? Mario Kart? ...?) tournament fundraiser sometime soon.

Since the last report, three network volunteers/staff have been trained to admin the wifi networks. Recruiting at some of the buildings has been tough, but there are only 2-3 more buildings that need trained peeps. If push comes to shove, I'll train the property managers. The vision was always to have a resident volunteer admin the network and address resident wifi's a lot of responsibility. We'll see what is feasible.

I've also started some web design projects (redesigning the Little Tokyo Community Council website, some other stuff) so that it will be easier for the council to advocate for the community, get info out on key issues, publish press releases, etc.

It is weird to think that the year is almost over. I've possibly been extended a year, so I'm trying not to panic too much about the network stuff that keeps being delayed (resident volunteers not committing, waiting on new network deployments due to gov't approval holdup...bleh).