Submitted by admin on October 5, 2006 - 5:17pm [CTCVISTA] MINUTES from ComOrg Conference Call (October 5, 2006)
The Community Organizing group had a succesful, though somewhat intimate conference call this afternoon. Laura, Rebecca and Brittney were on the phone with me and we had some useful knowledge sharing and general chit-chat.
* Laura Mieczkowski has taken over class coordinator duties at her organization and is conducting interviews of potential teachers. She's speaking a lot of different languages and enjoying the challenge. Laura is also helping out with a club that meets after school and helps organize online computer and video game bouts. She also recently ran into fellow CTC VISTA Kristin Nash at a CTCnet gathering.
* Rebecca White is working on her organization's website and is excited that her recommendations were approved. She has decided on using Drupal, the free, open source content management system, for their website. Rebecca is doing some office tech support and also went to a GIS training.
* Brittney Fosbrook is working with three different database projects. The first is for volunteer management, the second for case management and the third for everyone else who walks through their doors. She is teaching classes and helping out with tech support. Brittiney is also collaborating with other local organizations to better organize everyone's online resources.
Of course, this isn't everyone in the Community Organizing focus area,
but from next months conference call we'll be hearing from many more
CTC VISTAs doing interesting things.
A couple other important things came up during the call:
* We have a LISTSERV and you are all subscribed! Email sent to <
> is automagically forwarded to all the other CTC VISTAs. This is a great way to ask questions and hopefully recieve quick answers.
* Other than the blogging, the monthly conference calls, the monthly check-ins with your VISTA Leader, your dedication, hardwork and indomitable spirit, the only other requirements we have of you and your supervisors are a midterm report and an end-of-year report. You'll be receiving more information about these farther into your VISTA service.
* Sign up on and say hello to other VISTAs in your community.
Talk (or report) to y'all next month!
Ben Sheldon
(805) 451-6393
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