Reebee Garofalo's Copyright PSO Presentation


Reebee's Upset about NapsterHere's some more info from Reebee Garofalo - one of our speakers at last week's Pre-service Orientation. Reebee's from the UMass Boston, College of Public and Community Service, Community Media & Technology Program and his presentation focused on copyright issues for new media and technology fields.

The powerpoint (attached) is based off a longer presentation he gave at Alliance for Community Media Conference last summer called "Copyright: It's Still About The Content, Stupid" (

Other links of interest include:
Copyright_RGarofalo2.pdf867.6 KB

Comment from Catherine Moore on January 23, 2007 - 11:29pm

I can't remember the woman's name, but do you have a copy of the powerpoint from the Friday morning presentation at the PSO? Thanks!