Help of Ojai West Campus

We have been very active acessing our infrastucture and looking at electronic "edge" solutions to connect the 47 Acre former jail site. Coax cable litterally runs everywhere. As a former jail site, cameras were posted on poles with Coax and power. What a great way to light it up with Wifi ! Open access to this would be good.

I have been talking with AT&T about T1 lines. Two campuses are physical seperated by about 3 miles. Unfortunately, there is no line of site short of repeating off a mountain, and tower space up there is maxed out. We can leverage the Teleconnect fund and got our requests in very early for this year. I should have a solid quotation on Monday July 16.

The community access computer lab is taking great shape. Enough very nice, alike computer tables were donated to us by Gruman Aero - Space. We ahe some very interesting tapped in senior voluteers. One is a Physist another an electronics engineer. I really having fun with them.

The lab is connected to our "core" with a 12 strand fiber! Air conditioning and dedicated power branches go into the double wide mobile. How cool is that?

I have been "collecting" volunteers that fit our senior Digital Story Telling mission. Thus far I have on board a very talented photographer (Adobe Photoshop), a grad student that knows Dreamweaver and Java Script, the next move is to approach the local cable company for video...things are happening!

I will be manning our other campus lab next week to observe how it is being utilized. We have (6) dells on the Inet there. It is a "walk in center".

Sorry for the delayed report. I have been posting to the site but forgot about the report area! Jim