Life at Diskovery Center

This is my fourth week at the Diskovery Center in Little Tokyo. I have been setting up meetings to meet with the Lanterman Regional Center for a Introduction to Inclusion training/discussion on ways to improve our center to be more accessible for the disable. Hopefully i'll get to learn more ways to make the center better. I have been doing a lot of research on what I can do and thinking up questions to ask our training instructor. I have tried out some software that we have here at the diskovery center and download demos. Some of the software are not easy to use, even for me. I attended a class that the diskovery center here offers and tried using a trackball with the lessons given, it was not easy to use. I will have to learn ways to improve the lessons taught here to be inclusive for the disabled.
I have also set up a meeting for Asstive Technology training. We have to decide what type of software/hardware we are going to buy for our center with the budget we have. The training to use the software/hardware will be held after we buy the materials. Hopefully i'll know what to get and make our centers better for the disabled.