Digital Media - Priority Area Home


Digital Media focused projects include programs that empower individuals and organizations to effectively communicate their values using media and advocate for their communities. These projects engage both youth and adults in media making as means of providing technology training and media education.

CTC VISTAs who are focused on digital media projects are building the capacity of programs that strive to:

  • Use new, inexpensive and good quality digital video, animations, and web tools to engage community members and groups
  • Discuss media literacy topics, including copyright and fair use, censorship, and social activism
  • Increase computer literacy, including the necessity to stay current with constant developments in technology
  • Focus programs based youth development research, including characteristics as age, social development, and life experiences, shooting for core youth needs and positive outcomes and ways to assess these levels and use this knowledge to shape curriculum.
  • Identify instructional techniques to build upon the interests of each participant to motivate/enrich projects and encourage use of digital media as a form of self-expression, such as project-based learning or digital storytelling
  • Identify techniques of quantitative and qualitative assessment and evaluation to benefit program development