
Dancing with Samba


Over the past two weeks, I've been putting together a server so that people across the street from us at UMass Lowell (we're on-campus also) can mount their website files, hosted with us, as a network drive under Windows. This can be done with FTP, but it's still a bit messy. Fortunately, there's software out there, called Samba, that lets you make a Linux/Unix computer act as a Windows server. Here's how we've used it.

The first step is to set up a computer running Linux/Mac OSX/FreeBSD/NetBSD/Solaris... (any Unix flavor). This is a whole blog entry unto itself, but these days, it's not too hard, and it's getting easier and easier every day. Here at the CSL, we have a fairly well-established checklist for doing this, but there are always minor kinks in the process. Since our income is fairly small at this point (getting larger, thanks to some new grants and kind donors), our equipment is mostly hand-me-down. In this case, it meant learning about a new server we'd never spent much time on (memory on it must be installed in pairs!).

Information about Samba


In our teleconference today, John mentioned that he was installing Samba on workstations for his position. I offered to find documentation to help him out if he needed it. This dovetails nicely with my responsibilities, as I was able to post the resources I found onto Samba's page on the Social Source commons website.

Click here


BTW, if anyone else is looking for documentation for tools, let me know and I'll see what I can find.