
Just wanted to let everyone know (or at least everyone who reads this blog) that there is a new resource available for VISTAs! Matt Isaacs and I have started an irc channel at Freenode.

To use this channel, you'll need to have an IRC client. Xchat is probably the most popular program for linux, but there is also a Windows client that might be fruitful. iChat seems to be the mac equivalent (any guidance on that point would be useful).

Comment from Rebecca White on May 25, 2007 - 2:19pm

iChat doesn't do IRC... the best option on the Mac is Colloquy.

Comment from cheryl jerozal on May 25, 2007 - 4:25pm

thanks, see you in the channel

p.s. for anyone who doesn't know what an irc channel is - it is basically a chat room.