Field Report #5: How To Make the Most Out of Not Having Any Hands


well, almost...

Been a bit rough with the limited use i have of my hands due to some RSI catching up with me, but in the meantime, i have been learning a buttload about assistive technologies and alternative ways to navigate around the computer without use of my hands (or at least drastically reduced - typing is still troublesome though).

Comment from Jack Waugh on October 2, 2007 - 12:04pm

Maybe those of us who haven't yet started to experience symptoms of repetitive motion problems should use the techniques you and Anita have found anyway, to try to avoid starting to have problems?

In my case, I work in a room with others, so talking to my computer would be disturbing to them.

Comment from Morgan Sully on October 2, 2007 - 2:20pm

absolutely. i wish i had followed some of these techniques sooner and stuck with them. It's certainly going to be a lifestyle change. I'm also going to takeup swimming as many computer workers tend to hae little upper body strength (i mean it DOES take endurance strength to be able to sit up at a computer all day) - breaks are always good too of course.

Repetetive Strain Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - two different things


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Field Report #4


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