

So I've been here for a couple months and right now I'm working on volunteer coordination. I'm trying to help community computer labs increase their productivity by helping them not only recruit volunteers but develop orientations and training to retain them. This all sounds very well and good, but so far we've had a hard time getting coorporation from non-profits.

Comment from Kevin Palmer on September 12, 2007 - 3:16pm

Sounds really frustrating. I can't tell you how many times I've googled "Non-Profit psychology solutions", but to no avail. Maybe someday...

In the meantime, I DEFINITELY recommend talking to CTC VISTAs Kelli Williams (at Triangle United Way) and Rian Graves (at the Davis Community Network). They're each working on creating and implementing Volunteer Management Programs (VMP's). Kelli is especially working on getting buy-in from various organizations using a centralized volunteer database. Rian is working on getting volunteer management software up and running (Plone specific). I highly recommend getting in touch with them.

Also, can I include you in the Volunteer Management working group? We're going to have a monthly call coming up soon and it'd be great to get you involved.

Comment from Victoria Edwards on September 12, 2007 - 3:50pm

Please do include me! My work number is (305) 377-4484 ext 23. Thanks for the advice I'll will definitely contact Kelli and Rian soon.