
National Service or Operating System?


 Don Lionetti tries out an early version of Windows Vista, the next-generation operating system. Atlanta, July 22, 2005.Thanks to former VISTA Leader, Saul Baizman, who reads the Boston Globe most days....from the Opinion section:

Comment from Saul Baizman on January 5, 2007 - 1:40pm

Ha! Just caught this blog post. After reading Postman's "Amusing Ourselves to Death," I hardly read the Globe -- or any news -- anymore. Caveat Read-or.

A response for Net Neutrality


This morning a co-worker placed an article from the July 2006 edition of Communications Engineering and Design Magazine entitled "Net neutrality legislation--my take on it" by Jeffrey Krauss, President of Telecommunications and Technology Policy.

Net Neutrality is an important issue; pending legislation and changing business practices have the potential to dramatically change how we use the Internet. Below I have responded to some of the points Mr. Krauss brought up in the article.

"There's an enormous coalition supporting net neutrality, hundreds of individuals and organizations and companies that I have never heard of. But if you follow the money, you find that it's really Google, Amazon.com, eBay and Yahoo! that are behind this campaign."

Yes, there is wide support for Net Neutrality and for good reason. I run several small websites (and am known to browse the web myself), and am happy that Google, Amazon.com, et al are behind the campaign and helping to pay for it. I don't have the money or resources to fight for Net Neutrality as well as they can, so I'm really glad that

Comment from Richard T. Anderson on September 13, 2006 - 9:45am

Wow, that sounds unbelievably complicated. My understanding was this: if those that want net Neutrality get their way then the internet will have two tiers. One you will have to pay lots of money to use, which is where all the useful web content will end up. The other tier will be for poor folk and won't have any thing.

Is this a correct summation? Do I have it backwards?

Also. Would it be possible for us to communicate directly with other CTCVISTA's here. i.e. and email feature. i know you don't want this to get too much like myspace, but it would be convienant to be able to communicate one on one with each other on this site.



Comment from Rebecca White on September 15, 2006 - 7:19pm

yeah, you've got net neutrality backwards: net neutrality means that nothing on the net should have priority; ie, there shouldn't be tiered internet access and networks should treat all data the same, not seperating it into google's data, aol's data, and your data.