Month 1
Still loving the job. Zumix is closed this week to students (we're in between "semesters" right now, classes start up again on Sept. 14th) so it's eerily quiet in here. I can only hear one guitar right now as opposed to a rock band practicing, a drum lesson, radio show, and general chaos that comes along with working with high schoolers.
Anyway, it's going really well! It's a pretty exciting time for Zumix because we're getting ready to move over to the Firehouse, which is going to be our new operating space and is 3 times as big as what we have now. I've been inside a few times and construction is coming along pretty quickly. It's crazy to think about how much space we'll have to work with. We're hoping to move in November/December, and then hold classes starting in January. It looks like for now we're pretty much on schedule.
We're also getting ready for our Harvest Festival, which is this Sunday, Sept. 6. I've been helping out with a lot of the planning/coordinating and outreach. This has been everything from contacting bakeries to try to get them to enter our apple pie contest to actually walking around East Boston and hanging flyers for the Festival in store windows. It should be a good time.
Still working on a lot of the underwriting stuff as well. It's turning out to be quite a process. We went out to a couple businesses last week and are realizing what we need more of and what types of things aren't really necessary. (For example, getting stats for our website = SUPER important. Thank you, Google Analytics.)
We're also gearing up for next semester, interviewing kids and trying to work out placement and schedules. I'm excited for classes to start up again because I love the energy when all the kids are everywhere :)