Submitted by Paul Hansen on January 29, 2007 - 1:52pm

VISTA conference attendance


Hi Everyone,
As you know, organizations that work with the Project are required to
send their VISTAs to a national community or media technology
conference. Traditionally most CTC VISTAs have attended CTCNet
conference-- it was basically the "default" conference for those who
did not identify/request an alternative.

The 2007 CTCNet conference has been cancelled so we are making the
NTEN conference the default conference for
the year. This conference will be held April 4-6 in Washington D.C.
The theme is "Creating Social Change From the Ground Up" so I'd say
that most VISTAs will find it interesting and useful. The entire
Project HQ team will be attending and we will be organizing a VISTA
dinner for the evening of April 3rd-- more details on this to come.

The nice folks at NTEN have agreed to give us a discount on
registration! Here's how it works:

1. Go to
2. Choose any registration option (member or nonmember, either works)
3. In the registration form, select CTC VISTA in the "How Did You Hear"
field. The form takes a moment to refresh and display the CTC Vista
price of $299.

So, I look forward to seeing many of you there. If you have any
questions, please be in touch.

One more thing... there are a small number of you that I would NOT
necessarily expect to see there. If you started your service this
month and you're working on a digital media project, I would
encourage you to skip the NTEN conference and instead attend the
NAMAC’S 2007 Conference in Austin, TX (October 17 –20, 2007) .
