Submitted by Ross Musselman on January 29, 2007 - 2:08pm Emergency Procedure text
I'm writing an SOP for our executive staff. Does anybody out there have
a tried and true Emergency Procedure policy? The mechanism I have
planned to use is as follows:
In the event that an Executive Staff member acts in a manner that is
contrary to the mission of the CUWiN Foundation or is in violation of
law, the other two members of the Executive Staff are empowered to place
the offending member on Executive Leave. A list of the grievances which
have necessitated invocation of Emergency Procedures must be signed and
delivered to the President of the Board of Directors. Should the
Executive Staff member in question be the same person as the President
of the Board, the Treasurer shall assume the duties of the President
regarding the invocation of Emergency Procedures. Upon delivery, the
rights of the Executive Staff member in question shall be suspended and
their responsibilities divided among the remaining Executive Staff
pending the action of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are
required to convene within 30 days to adjudicate on the matter. Should
the Board of Directors decide that the Executive Staff in question has
indeed acted in a manner contrary to the mission of the organization,
the Board may take disciplinary action against the Executive Staff
member in question. However, should the Board decide that Emergency
Procedures were invoked improperly, the Board may take disciplinary
action, including dismissal, against any member of the Executive Staff
who they deem to have acted in bad faith.
Thanks for any insight you can lend me!