5 Tips For Connecting With Fellow DASCorps Members Online


You've probably just gotten back from your VISTA Pre-service Orientation and are still reflecting on the inspiring, passionate and awesome people you just met - not to mention the conversations and connections you made. In spite of the great discussions and thoughts that were shared during the sessions and beyond, you may be feeling a mixture of inspiration and sadness that the people you met are most likely now spread far across the country - perhaps thousands of miles apart. What's a VISTA to do to keep in touch?

There are many ways. This entry will go over 5 of them. If you have any more, don't hesitate to add them.

DASCorps Directory:
This directory lists the all the current Digital Arts Service Corps Members. It has the name, email, latest Field Reports, organization, city and state that each VISTA is serving in. There is also a link to Digital Arts Service Corps Alumni, should you want to get in to contact with previous VISTAs. (just remember the Digital Arts Service Corps use to be called CTC VISTA - so be aware of the name change!)

Hot tip: these emails can be entered into many social networking sites' "friend find" features to find and connect with other VISTAs online.

The DASCorps Listserv:
this is the official Mailing list of the Digital Arts Service Corps. For those of you who have never used a listserv, it is essentially: "An e-mail list of e-mail addresses of people with common interests. Software enables people who belong to a list to send messages to the group without typing a series of addresses into the message header. Usually members of the group in the listserv have to subscribe to the mailing list."

It is one of the quickest ways to communicate with ALL current DASCorps members at the SAME TIME. Feel free to post questions or comments about anything DASCorps related to the list.

DASCorps Webinars and Conference Calls:
These will be regular opportunities for you to not only become a more effective VISTA and professional, but also, a time to reconnect and hear the voices of your fellow VISTAs. Regardless of diversity, each PSO/'class' of VISTAs brings a very unique amalgamation and collection of individuals together - many of whom are sharing the same hopes and frustrations throughout their VISTA year as you are. These webinars give you an opportunity to regularly reconnect with your new friends and colleagues in context based on professional and personal development.

The DASCorps Facebook Page:
Well shoot. This just had to go in as a way to connect. While it is 'outside' the main communications used for the Project, it DOES provide an informal way for you to connect with and learn more about your fellow VISTAs. While the TransmissionProject will be experimenting and playing with the features of this group throughout the year, it will provide a quick way to browse personal profiles of fellow VISTAs who are on Facebook. NOTE: not all DASCorps members are on Facebook. For a complete list, see the DASCorps Directory.

Hot tip: some VISTAs have personal blogs, websites or other social media that offer additional ways for you to connect with your peers - these are often listed in their profiles. Check these out. Comment on them. Communicating in this way is an important part of establishing yourself as a presence, resource and advocate throughout the DASCorps network.

Post and Comment on Field Reports:
Field Reports! Let your fellow DASCorps members know what your up to and ask them questions about their service when they post about their own experiences. Field Reports are not public, so its a safe space for you to complain, rant, and share your real experience with other understanding VISTAs.