1 - 2 Months


During the first 2 months of DASCorps service VISTAs much of their time will be spent trying to find their 'place' at their host organization.

Some typical VISTA behavior:
- Feelings of excitement, anticipation, and optimism; also feelings of suspicion, fea, and anxiety about the job ahead
- Identification of its reason and existence
- Self-orientation
- Identification of the task to be accomplished
- Exploration and discovery of how to interact with coworkers

Some general tips for VISTAs during this time:
- Be informed; read everything you can about the program and about the subject or population with whom you will be working
- Be open-minded; be professional; be yourself
- Voice your thoughts
- Commit to having a good year
- Start a journal
- Start initial thinking about life after AmeriCorps one year from now

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